Saturday, November 19, 2016

What's Next In The "Anti-aging Skin Series"?

After exploring (by listing) all of the ingredients in the last blog post for the skin care product made by Jergens -- "Jergens Skin Firming Lotion," I promised to address the ingredients more "in detail" and provide a greater insight into the toxicity associated with them.  The task has proven to more difficult than I initially thought to it would be.  No Worries -- Not to say insurmountable.

In the last post, I listed all 29 ingredients of the lotion.  As I look over the list of functions which I listed from the website "EWG" -- I see many terms which can be further defined under the category "Function" of the ingredient.  Therefore, I will start by composing a small glossary of terms like "Skin Conditioning Agent" or "Emollient" in the next post.  This will assist us in future posts on "anti-aging" skin care products.  Additionally, this glossary will help with other skin care products by providing better insight into the actual function.  After I publish the glossary, we will pick back up with the previous blog post on "Jergens Skin Firming Lotion."

For those readers just joining us, the blog post is part of the ongoing skin series on anti-aging stemming from the initial blog post which can be found here.  The series is titled "Anti-aging Skin Series."  By clicking on the hyperlinked text, past blog posts can be found.

With that in mind, I will return to composing the glossary from which we can explore other products in the future in greater detail.  If you (the reader) have any preferences on the layout of the information which would clarify the subject matter in any light, please leave a comment below.  I am always open to suggestion.  Part of the issue at hand currently, is that I am approaching the subject from a chemist's standpoint and want to deconstruct the ingredients in the easiest way possible for everyone to understand.

Anyways, until next time, have a great weekend!

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